Navigating Wedding Planning: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Joyful Moments

Stefanie Alis Roth
6 min readMay 22, 2023
a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, neo-romanticism style, shot on 70mm, kodak portra, soft light
© 2023, A Portrait of a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes

A few days ago I read a great story by

. “Why I Want To Get Married” it was called. And she’s right.

There are many objections, there are pros and cons.

There are difficult times, there are easy times. There are moments when you feel good and there will be moments that are more challenging.

There will be friends who like the fact that you have decided to marry, and there will be those who do not.

My article today, will help you deal with emotions during your wedding planning.

In the emotional world of every bride, it’s like the tides ebb and flow.

Positive and negative moods are simply part of every wedding planning and change constantly.

A wedding is one of the most significant moments in life, so it’s no wonder that your nerves are stretched to the limit during the planning process. After the initial elation, you may sometimes feel the hard spray in your face.

You are faced with many questions:

  • Can I find my authentic wedding dress?
  • Are all guests satisfied with the seating arrangement?
  • Do the invitations fit into the concept of the wedding?
  • Will everyone like the food?
  • What if no mood will arise?
  • And basically: will everything turn out the way I imagined?

Welcome aboard: I, too, know that moment when the rain pelts against the wooden window and I feel empty and drained. You can’t get yourself up to take the next steps or you feel overwhelmed.

Your inner energy is just at zero, way down at the bottom of the ocean. And actually, right now you have the next big stages in your wedding planning ahead of you. But right now it seems impossible to sail towards the sun.

When I walk around the weekly market and see people hurrying across the cobblestones, I’d like to stop them all for a moment.

Freeze the moment, with the push of a big red button. That way, all the rushed people could take a breath for a moment and then, full of energy, set their sails anew.

Exactly with this step I would like to help you, so that you are in a positive mood again and can call out to the waves:

“Aye aye, it can go on.”

1. how you can always think positive

It may sound a bit naïve, but it is very effective: if you are full of negative feelings, you are the first one you have to convince of the opposite.

Personally, it also helps me in other situations if I take a deep breath. Then I remind myself that I will definitely reach my goal.

And do you know what can quickly give you back your lost self-confidence? Your encouraging smile. Just smile to yourself every time you look in the mirror. You’ll see, it works wonders.

Don’t waver if it falters: make clear at every opportunity where your strengths lie and what you have already mastered up to the point when the wedding planning has stalled.

You will see that this is usually quite a lot and that the hurdle that may lie ahead of you is also surmountable.

Just take a piece of paper and write down what you have already accomplished.

It doesn’t matter if it’s wedding planning things or something from other areas of your life.

2. relax during the wedding planning

In stressful moments, your body quickly sends you a strong SOS. You must not ignore this clear emergency signal under any circumstances. Relaxation is often the magic word.

Every person gets the necessary portion of soul-recovery on his own way. For me, for example, there is nothing better than sitting outside with a hot cup of coffee in the morning before I follow my passion and let the fresh air blow around my nose.

It’s a great way to clear my head.

With enough distance from negative feelings, I can plan my next steps and take off full of motivation.

Of course, you can also effectively banish stress from your mind with other methods. What do you think of a round of relaxation in the spa together with the maid of honor?

For other brides, the right playlist, meditation, or an invigorating workout can help you get your mind off things. You might also want to try tapping — that can be really powerful, too.

No matter what brings you to rest: pamper yourself. This strengthens your self-confidence and at the same time gives you new strength for the tasks ahead.

3. how you secure encouragement from the outside

Negative feelings can arise not only when you’re in the process of planning your wedding, but basically in all life situations. Therefore, the phenomenon is not so unknown to me.

Even in my mission as a bridal mentor, I sometimes go through phases in which I simply can’t get ahead, can’t make a decision, a task seems unsolvable or I simply have no motivation.

In these moments I need my own personal rock.

Depending on the situation, this can be a good friend, my mom or, above all, my sweetheart.

A sympathetic ear, a strong shoulder or a second opinion can also work wonders for you. Also a clear announcement lets you quickly take the wheel back into your own hands, so that you can sail full speed ahead into the harbor. Of course, it’s your day and you want to make your own decisions independently, but another view of things can help you get ahead in your wedding planning.

There is nothing wrong with being open about your worries and concerns with people you trust. You will see that you will quickly regain your self-confidence and regain your inner peace. Set a new course and move on.

4. how to tackle the missing steps

In front of you is another task on your to-do list, which makes your wedding planning pause because you are threatening to capsize from slight overload? I recommend you to plan the next steps in detail. Don’t take on too much for one day — after all, it’s about planning your wedding, not hosting a state reception. If you approach your goal bit by bit, you won’t be so exhausted at the end and will have enough energy for everything else.

For example, it is not obligatory to design and finish invitations, church pages, menu cards and seating cards in one go.

First of all, think about what style fits into the concept of your wedding.

First make several drafts, wait a few days, let everything sink in and work on you. Only then, with a clear head, make your decision.

You will be surprised how easy it will be for you to make a decision, if it is only about one aspect and not about the whole thing.

Ask yourself what exactly is holding you back and if there might be an alternative way to proceed. You may also be able to pass on the responsibility to someone you trust, so that you can concentrate on the next step.

5. how to free yourself from the triggers

In some cases, however, the cause of your displeasure is not yourself, but can be caused by other circumstances or people. This can be the case, for example, if you don’t really warm up to one of your service providers or don’t have a good gut feeling.

Only recently I was able to observe such a situation with Lisa. She was completely unsettled because her hairdresser radiated great unwillingness in the direction of the bride a few days before the wedding.

Understandably, this was reason enough for Lisa to break out in a panic. However, she then told me that it helped her tremendously when she calmed herself down and thought about the situation in mindfulness.

When she confided in her makeup artist, she stepped in without further ado, so that everything went smoothly on the wedding day. And the best part: in the end, Lisa was much happier with the new hairstyle than with the trial hairstyle of the first hairdresser.

You realize there’s nothing wrong with parting with factors in your planning that make you feel insecure and instead hire new help that makes you feel better.

In the five points I have given you impulses to overcome a possible low point in your wedding planning or to not let it get that far in the first place. No matter what happens, don’t let your negative feelings be the ferryman in your wedding planning.

Accept that they are there, but don’t let them overtake you.

Do you have any advice for other brides on how to avoid bad feelings during wedding planning?

What helps you especially when you want to give your brain a break?

Write your tips in the comments.



Stefanie Alis Roth

I help brides-to-be navigate the often-overwhelming process of planning a wedding.